Organisations that are #TooFatForWorkout

My sport coach said: if you want to see unnecessary fat, jump infront of a mirror and observe what’s wiggling. Find out what this has to do with Organisations.

This guy is innocent. He needs his fat (sorry Mr. Walrus for using your pic)

Many customers ask for a „team workshop“. And when I ask what the status quo of their team is, I am surprised. They don’t have a vision, no mission, they haven’t even talked about business value, metrics, roles, way of working, necessary skills, culture, values… they don’t know their customers (!)… They just ‚work‘. And I wouldn’t even call them a team. How is that possible?

If you’re a consultant/facilitator, and your customer doesn’t know what his role in the org is – they are what I call ‚the fat of the company‘.

Lacking vision and mission, they…

  • start doing silly stuff playing ‚busy‘
  • start wars for territory
  • start redundant projects
  • increase complexity
  • bother others with half baked ideas
  • waste resources needed elsewhere
  • are frustrated and poison everyone’s morale…

Too many teams like that make organisations that are #TooFatForWorkout. No power for improvement anymore.

This is not against the people involved! But when an organisation is too fat for workout, you need more than a team workshop. E.g. surgery. And that’s gonna hurt.

So, work out while you still can, everybody. Don’t fear the sweat, fear the wiggle moment.

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