Fundstück der Woche

Ich habe es nicht so mit Zitaten. Woher weiß ich, ob sie wirklich von der Person stammen und ob der Kontext stimmt? Peter Drucker, seit Jahrzehnten unbestrittener Management und Leadership Guru, wird immer noch enorm viel (falsch) zitiert. Wer kennt nicht „Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast“? Leider falsch.

In diesem amüsanten kleinen Test kann man nicht nur prüfen, ob man den richtigen Riecher hat, sondern auch den Kontext der Zitate nachlesen:

> Did Peter Drucker say that?

Kaum einer hat ANGST vor Veränderung. Was soll der Quatsch?

Ich habe jetzt bestimmt ca. 5.000 Menschen in Veränderungen erlebt. Ca. 10% durfte ich intensiver kennenlernen, bei 90% habe ich zumindest deren fachliche und überfachliche Forderungen, Sorgen und Hoffnungen erfahren. Was nicht zu spüren war: ANGST VOR VERÄNDERUNGEN. Immer wieder begegnet mir dieser Satz. Dabei ist er VÖLLIG FALSCH. Wieso wird das trotzdem ständig kolportiert?

Lass deine Psycho-Studien mal stecken. Die meisten Bullshitquellen untermauern diese Fehlaussage nur mit weiteren Bullshitquellen. Beispiel: „die meisten Menschen haben Angst vor Veränderungen“. Quellen:
– Pal-Verlag (Lebenshilfe),
– (mittelmäßige Zeitschrift),
– („ein Informatiker, der manchmal ein bisschen schüchtern ist, gerne Tiramisu mag, und manchmal Dinge kauft, die er nicht braucht“)…

Darüber, was Menschen meiner Meinung nach in Zeiten der Veränderung wirklich fürchten, und was Du bitte tun solltest, schreibe ich heute einen etwas längeren Beitrag.

Juchu! Wenn die Kollegen meinen Bullshit nicht hinnehmen, liegt es an denen! 😉
„Kaum einer hat ANGST vor Veränderung. Was soll der Quatsch?“ weiterlesen

The right to remain silent

You have right to remain silent! Everything you say can and will be used to stretch the workshop endlessly…

As a facilitator or leader you should get the best out of everybody and invite everyone to participate. Ok. But experience teaches us to invest where it pays off most. Sometimes that is a few dedicated and smart people instead of ‚everyone‘.

Many workshop methods are designed to open the mouth of everybody in the room until e v e r y t h i n g has been said – by e v e r y b o d y.

The ‚let’s all ask each other syndrome‘ results in:

  • too many people invited to the workshop
  • precious sticky notes wasted
  • endless feedback rounds noone likes
  • a discussion that didn’t get under the surface

There is this story that a large number of people produces better estimation results than the best individuals. That is why, some say, we should utilize #swarmintelligence and enable #participation.

But can the problem that your workshop has to address really be approached by ideas, opinions and guessing?

In my workshops I encourage people to decide: ‚Hey, if you don’t have anything to say right now, it’s ok. You don’t have to contribute if you have no clue how. Thanks for saving everybody’s time!‘

Any moderator or leader should know when the moment has come and silence is the best way someone from the team can contribute at the moment.

(Not) Maslows Pyramid

Leadership Seminars often use Schulz von Thun’s 4 aspects of a message (communication) and Maslow’s pyramid of needs (motivation).

Here are 2 thoughts on Maslow (besides the fact that he never drew a pyramid but others did when they turned his thoughts into tools and money)

  1. In many graphics I have seen an old version of his pyramid, topped by „Self-actualization“. Too sad, because by 1971 he already changed his model, and put „Transcendence“ at the top: „Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos“ – bam! Isn’t it inspiring? Why not use it in seminars instead of self fulfillment or self-actualization…
  2. When talking to young leaders it isn’t enough to invest some minutes in reflection about this pyramid. If you’re a trainer using it, you might instead want to take the pic below. It is about interaction. Ask them two questions:
    1. from which level of the pyramid does your motivation to lead come from? (Are you looking for security? Belonging? Self-fulfillment? Or even Transcendence?)
    2. Towards what stage of your teammates pyramids does your day to day leadership aim? (Do you foster their security? Status? Their Self-fulfillment?).

I’ve seen leaders cry in this session.

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