There are no ‚Agile Methods‘

AGILE – I’m sorry but I have to resurrect this one. Watch it! In 2015 Dave Thomas, one of the creators of the manifesto for agile software development, explained how companies are falling for charlatans and wannabes telling them what to do, to become „Agile“.

Most important message of his talk (though he doesn’t explicitly mention it): Agility is something totally non magical. It is nothing more than it was 50, 100 or even 1000 years ago. Agility is nothing but ‚having a quick resourceful and adaptable character‘ (merriam webster).

Dave Thomas, one of the creators of the manifesto for agile software development, explained how companies are falling for charlatans and wannabes in 2015

You are not a bit more agile than before if you simply follow new stupid rules, live in new suffocating frameworks, practice new strange rituals, create new misleading job titles.

It is hard to accept if shiny magic turns out to be a simple trick, I know. But face it: noone will tell you in a 2 days course how you, your team or your company can work with a ‚quick resourceful and adaptable character‘.

Go find out yourself! What an adventure!

Thx Florian von Bock for the link today.

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